The shortest day in England has now passed. With the sun currently setting around 4pm many Brits are looking forward to longer days of sunshine - I am particularly looking forward to this as it means I can show my guests more of the wonderful sights in the West Country! I was fortunate enough to be at Stonehenge with guests during the sunset on the Winter Solstice - an event which the monument marked. Over the coming days druids and other groups will be visiting Stonehenge to mark the occasion with their own ceremonies - something my guests got to see on my Stonehenge Tour today!
Over the next few days families in England will be celebrating Christmas. The 25th December is the big day in England. The following day is a public holiday called Boxing Day. I will be taking a few days off to celebrate Christmas with my family. Wherever you are in the world I wish you a wonderful Christmas with friends, family and loved ones. I am delighted to have met a number of you this year and I am looking forward to meeting more of you in the New Year. Have a great start to 2024 and let's raise a glass to experiencing amazing trips in the New Year! Festive wishes to you all, Daniel.