Tomorrow, the 21st December, is the Winter Solstice - the shortest day of the year. For our ancestors thousands of years ago this was a very important occasion and it continues to be a significant event for many people today. The spectacular monument of Stonehenge was designed with the solstice in mind. On the Winter Solstice the sun would have set directly between the gap of the tallest stones in the heart of the stone circle. Sadly one of these stones has since fallen so you can no longer see this phenomenon but if the weather is good then you can get a good appreciation of what it would have been like. English Heritage who operate Stonehenge will be live-streaming the sunset and the sunrise at Stonehenge on their Facebook page. They will be showing today's sunset from 15:16 GMT (sunset is at 16:01) and then the sunrise in the morning. If you would like to witness this, this is the link to their Facebook event. Be wary of fake links on their Facebook page (this sadly happened when they did a similar event for the Summer Solstice). It is a free event and you do not need to enter credit card details nor sensitive information.
If you would like to learn more about Stonehenge then why not join me on one of my private Stonehenge tours. The site never ceases to amaze me!